Monday, September 27, 2010

I May Have Quit The HouseHoes...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No Likey?

so i watched a little of the vmas yesterday, mostly the preshow, but i'm told that people did not like this cuz they were all like omg its BLACKFACE!!(also no likey for gaga's meat dress i suppose). must i remind everyone that already has a black face? so he wants to be blacker?  f all y'all.  you don't see any whiteys breaking down snooki's door for trying to change herself into an oompaloompa do you?  NO you do not.  so leave Will.I.Am alone and get back to being offended by Roger Sterling or something.
 i have more important things to get to, watching the end of the BACHELOR PAD!!!!!!!! woot woot!